Art Programming, Communications
AURORA is a Dallas-based public arts organization, working at the intersection of art, technology and community. Since 2013, MONA has been at the helm of the organization's artistic programming and communications, working closely with AURORA’s founders to execute and promote year-round programming, as well as the AURORA Biennial, the region's largest public art event.
For the sixth AURORA Biennial, ›FuturePresentPast‹, we strategized and created all online and offline communications—including social media campaigns, reels, website content, newsletters, onsite event signage, and more. We also oversaw PR, graphic design and event documentation, and advised AURORA on curatorial selection for the biennial exhibition.
For each biennial edition, MONA acts as consultants from the inception, collaborating with AURORA’s directors to recruit a curatorial team from a selection of leading curators working internationally. Further, we consult on the strategic development of the curatorial concept for the biennial and its adjoining year-long programming, AURORA Expanded. We also assist in seeking out and establishing partnerships with museums, galleries, foundations, and other key institutions.
As part of our communications services, we offer strategic consulting on marketing and PR to expand AURORA’s reach to art world and general public audiences in both Dallas and worldwide. Working with our expert in-house team of copywriters and editors, we create and distribute all online and offline promotional content, as well as oversee the production of all graphics and imagery.
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Art Programming, Communications
AURORA is a Dallas-based public arts organization, working at the intersection of art, technology and community. Since 2013, MONA has been at the helm of the organization's artistic programming and communications, working closely with AURORA’s founders to execute and promote year-round programming, as well as the AURORA Biennial, the region's largest public art event.
For the sixth AURORA Biennial, ›FuturePresentPast‹, we strategized and created all online and offline communications—including social media campaigns, reels, website content, newsletters, onsite event signage, and more. We also oversaw PR, graphic design and event documentation, and advised AURORA on curatorial selection for the biennial exhibition.
For each biennial edition, MONA acts as consultants from the inception, collaborating with AURORA’s directors to recruit a curatorial team from a selection of leading curators working internationally. Further, we consult on the strategic development of the curatorial concept for the biennial and its adjoining year-long programming, AURORA Expanded. We also assist in seeking out and establishing partnerships with museums, galleries, foundations, and other key institutions.
As part of our communications services, we offer strategic consulting on marketing and PR to expand AURORA’s reach to art world and general public audiences in both Dallas and worldwide. Working with our expert in-house team of copywriters and editors, we create and distribute all online and offline promotional content, as well as oversee the production of all graphics and imagery.
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